The BEST Resolution for 2013

Happy New Year! Let’s talk about the BEST new year’s resolutions for 2013.

2013 is the year of the GREEN. Make your main goal for the year a commitment to being more eco-friendly. When you strive to be green, you fulfill resolutions every day. Whether you want to save money, lose weight, or have a positive impact on your community, being green has a solution for every goal.

green new year's resolutions

To help you get started, I’ve assembled 13 ways to incorporate natural living into your family.

PICK ONE and leave a comment to choose your resolution for 2013.

13. Recycling

12. Cloth Diapering

11. Avoiding GMO-Foods

10. Composting

9. Breastfeeding

8. Babywearing

7. Natural labor

6. Green cleaning supplies

5. Using cloth towels

4. Minimizing food waste

3. Reusing food storage containers

2. Enriching young minds

The #1 way to be more green in 2013 is to GROW GREEN THINGS!

1. Gardening

I’m on a mission to grow better kids and I’m planning to do this by raising gardeners. I am positive that a passion for gardening will improve life for the next generation. Not everyone who is green is going to change the world. A lot of people don’t want to change the world at all. However, a path of light footprints will leave the world a better place. You can start in your own home by making small changes to use your resources more effectively, and gradually tackling bigger and better challenges as being green gets easier.

When you set your mind on a green intention, let it grow.

2012 Highlights from Eco Incognito

The best word to describe 2012 for our family is: BUSY! We watched Hannah grow into a delightfully spirited toddler, welcomed Audrey into the world, and purchased a new home. Time has raced by at lightning speed, but we have accomplished so much. I can see it as I look around our house, which Zac has transformed into a beautiful home. Each time my girls accomplish a new task, I’m inspired by their growth. I am also thrilled that this blog is burgeoning into a thriving social community on Twitter and Facebook. I love connecting with you all and am look forward to providing exciting new content in 2013!

I visited the archives and want to showcase YOUR FAVORITE POSTS from 2012. Thank you readers for taking the time to learn about the positive impact that Natural Parenting has on my family. Click on the links to read the posts below. Not surprisingly, these are my favorites, too!

There’s No Place Like Home

The Unspoken Rule of Babywearing

Put Some Dirt On It


Teflon Party Crashers

Reverse Tech Christmas

The Trash Man

We’re wrapping up the year with a visit from family. It is delightful to have our home filled with the people we care for the most during this special time of year. I hope that your final days of 2012 are peaceful and enjoyable. More than anything, I hope that you feel loved.

Happy New Year, friends!

How to Write the Perfect Thank You Note

In this digital age, a hand-written thank you note can make a bigger impact than ever. A thank you note is always welcome and should be one of the first things that you think of doing after receiving a gift. You can even send a thank you to a host of an event! The most thoughtful notes will start with a salutation and greeting. They should then list the gift and how you intend to use it. Finally, you can close with an intention to see the gifter again.

Tradition dictates that a thank you should go out within 24 hours of receiving a gift, but there are extensions for special circumstances like weddings or births. Any child that can make a legible mark should be encouraged to assist with writing the note or including a picture. For eco friendly options, you can choose a card printed on recycled paper, cut a calendar, or cut a favorite greeting card into a postcard to reuse.

thank you note


Dear Someone Special,

I hope you had a wonderful Holiday season! I was thrilled to receive your generous gift of ($). It was so thoughtful of you to think of our family at Christmastime. I’m planning to use the money to purchase a beautiful set of drapes that I’ve been eager to use as a decoration in my home. I also loved the delightful, handmade ornament that you sent for our tree. We hope to see you soon in the new year.

With love, (Fondly, Best, All our love,)

Happy Recipient

Merry Christmas! Ornament Show & Tell

You may already know that we are eagerly anticipating Christmas in my home if you read the post Why I Believe in Santa Claus. When my friend Jo-Lynne from Musings of a Housewife suggested an Ornament Show & Tell, I eagerly jumped at the chance to take pictures of our tree and stroll down memory lane. You can see the rest of the ornament show & tell from other bloggers by clicking the photo below.
Christmas Ornament Show & Tell with Musings of a Housewife
My Favorite Things

We’re celebrating back-t0-back Baby’s First Christmases in this house and I am overwhelmed with joy this season. This summer, we purchased a new home and my husband has worked feverishly to complete all the updates on our fixer-upper in time to host his family for the celebration. They are arriving today and tomorrow from Kansas and Seattle. We can’t wait to welcome them into our home! I’ve been ‘working’ with Hannah to learn how to say Merry Christmas by reciting the phrase each time we pass the tree, but she has yet to attempt it. I have faith that she will catch on soon since she seems as enthusiastic about the season as we are. I can hardly keep her away from the tree and, luckily, we’ve only lost 2 ornaments to the clamoring hands of TODZILLA.

This authentic Douglas Fir fills our foyer with the spirit of the season.

This authentic Douglas Fir fills our foyer with the spirit of the season.

Zac and I shared our first Christmas together in 2008. Our tree occupied most of the living room of our small apartment and we decked it with classic gold and red ornaments. Since that year, our family has furnished a delightful collection of ornaments to showcase along with a few of our favorites.

After the jump, I’m taking you between the boughs for a sneak peak at the ornaments I reach for first in the storage boxes. Plus, I’ve shared our Christmas e-card.

Merry Christmas friends and family!

Continue reading

Sticky Situations Facebook Contest – Wet Ones

A few weeks ago I entered a fun contest on Facebook for Sticky Situations. As a Mom of two under two, you can imagine that I find my way into those on a daily basis! Since you can win an iPad or Six Flags tickets for the family, I’m sharing with you so that you can enter, too!

Visit the Facebook page here to upload your photo and story for a chance to win:

Sticky Situations Contest

Even though it’s not literally sticky, this is my entry:

On Black Friday, I tried to keep up with the Holiday shopping deals and let my toddler have a little extra leeway with her toys. Needless to say, Hurricane Hannah stormed through the room and left a trail of sticky fingerprints all over the place. I deal with sticky situations like everything else… with a smile and a solution. A deep clean after bedtime was all it took to renew the room for another day with two under two.

hurricane hannah

Disclosure: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Wet Ones. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.

Squooshi Reusable Food Pouches Review + GIVEAWAY

I’m so excited to introduce you to Squooshi reusable food pouches! They are an eco-friendly alternative to the handy puree dispensers that all our kids love. My favorite part is that the pouches boast a design of lovable animals that kids will love.

When I first saw food pouches in the baby aisle, I was skeptical. Since they were pricey and looked like a projectile food squeezer, I avoided buying any for my daughter until I started planning our recent flight to Florida. They looked so convenient, so I gave one a shot and she LOVED it. As soon as I knew that the dispenser was a sure-fire way to get my daughter to eat a healthy snack of fruits and veggies, I set out to find a way to make the snacks more affordable. I happily discovered the Squooshi.

The Squooshi is remarkably easy to clean and fill. It works just like a zip-lock baggie to seal in food at the bottom and comes with the same lock-tite fasteners you find on the disposable alternatives. You can fill your Squooshi with applesauce, yogurt, or a homemade puree. They will even go into the freezer! I prop mine on a bottle rack to dry, but you can also purchase a convenient wooden stand to dry yours.

squooshi reusable food pouch

I highly recommend using the Squooshi. A four pack costs about $18 and will pay for itself after just one jar of applesauce when you consider the pricey alternative of purchasing disposable food pouches again and again. Plus, they are better for the environment since there is no waste. If you do choose to purchase Plum Organics food pouches and you live in Chester County, I hope you will join my recycling brigade to collect and repurpose the pouches. Follow #ChescoPlumDrop and this blog for more information.

Get your Squooshis online here:


You can have a chance to win your very own set of four Squooshis to refill and enjoy over and over (because we all finish them for our kids) right now. Simply leave a comment letting me know what you’ll put in your Squooshi. You can search their website for inspiration by clicking here. This contest ends on December 28.

Disclosure: Thank you to Squooshi for the food pouches to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own.

Udi’s Gluten Free Cinnamon Toast Recipe

Ho ho ho! It’s time for delicious treats for the Holidays.

We are eager to get into the spirit of the season, but we are so busy that baking hasn’t been an option yet. I’m actively trying to promote health and wellness in our home, too. I’ve always tried to have a balanced diet, but recently I’ve taken my quest to a whole new level. Inspired by GMO news, friends with allergies, and a general quest for food that makes you feel good, I decided to try Udi’s Gluten Free products.

Last week Udi’s sent me a box of goodies for inspiration to create the perfect Christmas treat for my family. We’ve got old fashioned routes in our cooking (the cast iron skillet is king), but we are so pressed for time with our two little ones these days. I kept my treat super simple. In fact, you probably don’t even need a recipe to replicate this cinnamon toast!

Udis Christmas cinnamon toast

Step 1: Toast a slice of Udi’s Gluten Free bread.

Step 2: Use a cookie cutter to create a shape that fits your Holiday theme.

Step 3: Butter your toast.

Step 4: Lightly dust with a cinnamon/sugar mixture.

Step 5: Enjoy in front of a fire while basking in the glow of lights from the Christmas Tree. (Variations include listening to carols, playing cards with the family, or reading ‘Twas the night before Christmas.)

I truly hope that even if you are pressed for time, you can find delightful ways to fill your home with healthy snacks in the spirit of the season! Happy eating and Merry Christmas.

Disclosure: I received samples of Udi’s to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own.

Grow a Humanity Garden

There are many hearts that want to inspire change. From our next actions, we will grow.

We are all conflicted by the tragedy at Sandyhook Elementary School on Friday. If you’re like me, you spent your weekend thinking about the roots of the problem in our nation that is causing people to act out with such hatred against innocent victims. I do not think that a sweeping legislation will help us. However, I strongly believe that we can turn our nation around by returning to the same wholesome roots that rebuilt our nation during World War II.

Humanity Garden

In 1944, our president called on every citizen of the United States to grow Victory Gardens. He stated that home based gardens “made the difference between scarcity and abundance.”

We are still at war. We still do not have enough food to meet the demands of our growing population. We still need gardens to solve the basic needs of the next generation.

Hear these immortal words and join the charge. Let’s make 2013 the year of the green with HUMANITY GARDENS.

Because of the greatly increased demands in 1944, we will need all the food we can grow. Food still remains a first essential to winning the war. Victory gardens are of direct benefit in helping relieve manpower, transportation, and living costs as well as the food problem.

-Franklin D. Roosevelt

We, as a country, have all the resources we need to accomplish this goal in 2013. Don’t spend another second wondering what you can do to improve legislature for future generations. Begin planning your Humanity Garden now so that you can take charge of the situation this Spring! Involve your children, involve your friends, and involve your community.

We all need to participate in gardening for 6 basic reasons. The simple act of gardening:

Provides healthier food

Prevents idle behavior

Offers opportunity for physical activity

Allows access to sunlight

Builds community by sharing

Facilitates sleep through accomplishing work during the day

[Adapted from this list of 6 ways to combat depression:]

Ready to get involved?

I want to do everything I can to help you grow a bountiful harvest in 2013. First, take the pledge here and leave a comment with your commitment to grow a garden in 2013. Next, join the community on Facebook, where we will support one another with our plans for a Green 2013. Finally, use Twitter to share photos or quick snippets of your gardening activities with #HumanityGarden. Throughout the year we will recognize our star gardeners with Green Thumb Awards from Eco Incognito. We can’t wait to see what you grow inside, outside, on the roof, downtown, or as a group.

Keep it simple, keep it fresh, keep it hearty.

A Second Time for Everything

This is a month of seconds for us. We’re celebrating Hannah’s second Christmas and reliving all the delights of having a brand new baby with Audrey. Both girls hit big milestones this month with Hannah turning 18 months and Audrey turning 4 months. I’m usually so focused on Hannah’s new skills that I often overlook how quickly Audrey is becoming aware and capable in our playful home.

Hannah and Audrey

Hannah and Audrey

Hannah has always been a little chatterbox, but now her communication is exploding. She is mixing words, signs, and songs into a delightful language. I’m offering as much as I can on the subject while she heartily absorbs everything I say. The words that she recognizes best have multiple associations. For instance, the animal sounds match with their names and pictures. She’s starting to use the words that go along with her signs, too. Even though she’s generally impatient about getting food or drinks, she is conscious about saying please so I oblige.

Our family names are also frequent topics of discussion. It makes me swoon when she proclaims, “Dada, Mama, Rara” before bed even if Dada does always come first. When 5 PM hits and we’ve read her favorite book five times and I run out of things to talk about, the three of us sit on the couch while I tell the girls I love them. It’s a total cheesefest, but it warms my heart. You would be surprised how quickly it passes those last minutes before Dada gets home to talk about all the combinations of our family love. (Mama loves Rara, Hannah loves Rara, etc.)

As much as I enjoy hearing everything that Hannah has to say, the topic that truly lets me know I’m on the right track as a Mother is the way she talks about herself. She says her name with a smile and brings it up when we’re talking about having fun. She also says “Han Nah” when I’m doting on Audrey, not out of jealousy, but to recognize that the way I feel about her sister is the way I feel for her.

While we read our books, play with puzzles and stretch across the floor, Audrey still comes along for the ride in her carrier. She’s spending more and more time awake these days. Plus, she eagerly plays on the floor or sits with me to watch Hannah. She is such a complacent and happy baby that I often marvel at how lucky I am that she came second.

Even though I haven’t shopped for Christmas gifts or had a moment to myself in almost two years, I wouldn’t change a thing. For the second time in my life, I feel like everything has come together to form a wonderful path to follow into the future.

Is Cloth Diapering a Green Gateway Drug?

Initially, hearing about cloth diapers triggered visions of the unhealthy babies in Angela’s Ashes. However, learning that I could save up to $2000 for each baby piqued my interest enough to overcome that fear. It took about 4 minutes to figure out that it was something I actually wanted to do. Cloth diapers are healthy for the baby and super cute! After two babies, I finally have them figured out and they are working well for both girls. A lot of Moms find that cloth diapers are an addiction. It’s fun to shop for them and you always have an excuse that you are already saving money, so why not buy more fluff? I was about to head down that slippery slope, too but I’m finally set with my stash and am now focused on what other ways I can find to save.

I’m embarrassed to even say how clueless I was about the world of reusable items. Don’t ask me what I thought people did before disposable diapers, paper towels, or zip lock bags. I honestly don’t think I could have figured out that other options existed for a modern family. Plus, it was always cost prohibitive for me to consider any sustainable options for the long term when I was living on a tight budget.

I’m saving a lot by swapping from Zip Locks to glass pyrex containers, consciously preventing food waste, and keeping a filled Nalgene ready-to-go in the fridge. I’ve also made a huge change to the cleaning supplies I use by opting for cloth towels and natural based, concentrated soaps.

Curious about cloth? Ask me a question in the comments or join the conversation on my Facebook Page. There is also a Twitter party on Monday nights at 9 PM. You can ask the experts questions, chat with other cloth diapering Moms, and sometimes win fluff by tweeting with #clothdiapers.