Squooshi Reusable Food Pouches Review + GIVEAWAY

I’m so excited to introduce you to Squooshi reusable food pouches! They are an eco-friendly alternative to the handy puree dispensers that all our kids love. My favorite part is that the pouches boast a design of lovable animals that kids will love.

When I first saw food pouches in the baby aisle, I was skeptical. Since they were pricey and looked like a projectile food squeezer, I avoided buying any for my daughter until I started planning our recent flight to Florida. They looked so convenient, so I gave one a shot and she LOVED it. As soon as I knew that the dispenser was a sure-fire way to get my daughter to eat a healthy snack of fruits and veggies, I set out to find a way to make the snacks more affordable. I happily discovered the Squooshi.

The Squooshi is remarkably easy to clean and fill. It works just like a zip-lock baggie to seal in food at the bottom and comes with the same lock-tite fasteners you find on the disposable alternatives. You can fill your Squooshi with applesauce, yogurt, or a homemade puree. They will even go into the freezer! I prop mine on a bottle rack to dry, but you can also purchase a convenient wooden stand to dry yours.

squooshi reusable food pouch

I highly recommend using the Squooshi. A four pack costs about $18 and will pay for itself after just one jar of applesauce when you consider the pricey alternative of purchasing disposable food pouches again and again. Plus, they are better for the environment since there is no waste. If you do choose to purchase Plum Organics food pouches and you live in Chester County, I hope you will join my recycling brigade to collect and repurpose the pouches. Follow #ChescoPlumDrop and this blog for more information.

Get your Squooshis online here: http://squooshi.com/


You can have a chance to win your very own set of four Squooshis to refill and enjoy over and over (because we all finish them for our kids) right now. Simply leave a comment letting me know what you’ll put in your Squooshi. You can search their website for inspiration by clicking here. This contest ends on December 28.

Disclosure: Thank you to Squooshi for the food pouches to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own.

23 comments on “Squooshi Reusable Food Pouches Review + GIVEAWAY

  1. Oooohhhh! I love this. My husband’s been bugging me to reuse the ones we purchase, b/c why not. And he’s an environmental science teacher, so we are avid recyclers and reusers! My kids love to snack on applesauce, yougurt, and other pureed fruit/veggie combos. I would Love to win this product. It would be used daily!!!!!

  2. Emily says:

    These look AWESOME! One of those “million dollar ideas” that I wish I had thought of myself. I would fill mine with my breakfast Nutribullet smoothie to give some to my daughters for breakfast on the go!

  3. Lauryn says:

    These are awesome!!! I would put smoothies, applesauce, yogurt, anything in my Squooshi for my little one:)

  4. Karin says:

    Yogurt — my son can’t get enough, and he loves to feed himself!

  5. Melissa pilgrim says:

    Strawberry applesauce is our favorite right now:)

    • nicole curran says:

      I’m so happy to know that this product exists! The boys both LOVE fruit and veggie pouches but they’re definitely expensive. Since my 3-yr old is suddenly a picky eater but will eat anything out of a pouch, this would be great for filling up w/ applesauce and homemade purees.

      • ecoincognito says:

        Glad to introduce you to the Squooshi! We are planning a demo in Chester County so there will be more opportunities to learn about healthy and sustainable ways to feed young children.

  6. Meredith says:

    This is so funny b/c I was just talking to my friend yesterday saying how I needed to find some refillable pouches b/c the other ones are so pricey and wasteful! My daughter will eat anything I puree (she especially loves sweet potatoes right now!), and these are SO handy for on-the-go!

  7. Oh, I’m excited about this! We have the baby pote ones but I’m not sold on them! I think I would put yogurt in ours mostly – great for protein on the go…and a great alternative to the yogurt “sticks” which are difficult for a 1 year old to manipulate. Maybe this will be easier for her 🙂

  8. nicki says:

    Applesauce – my girl loves it, but its sooo messy! Squooshi is amazing!

  9. Mike says:

    I had not heard of these but my daughter loves her pouches. What a great idea! Hers would be blueberries and purple carrots!

  10. Tina Weathers says:

    Applesauce and yogurt! And a bunch of other things I’d get my kids to try! 🙂

  11. Shannon says:

    Jeannette, we are so glad to hear you love Squooshis as much as we do. Your daughter is adorable! We’ve got FREE SHIPPING through the 25th http://www.squooshi.com

  12. Jodi yoshe says:

    I love making puréed but my son wants to feed himself so there is a bunch of homemade baby food from our organic farm share going to waste in my freezer. He loves plum pouches so these could be my food savers. I’d like to try using it for Quaker oatmeal with bananas to see if it less of a mess than spreading gooey oats on his try to eat by hand

  13. Gina Hodges says:

    I love making my son’s baby food! I will put applesauce and spinach combo, and many of his other favorites!

  14. Melissa A says:

    My girls would go nuts having their special fruit smoothies more often. It’s more of a weekend or “when there is time” sort of treat, but I think with these Squooshi’s I could do them, put them in the bag and they could take them with us, making them more of a routine! And the fruit smoothies have carrots and squash, so it’s not all fruit, but shhhhhh. Or, like your post said, apple sauce! What a great way to get apple sauce on the go! But mostly, I’d like to use it for Alana. She has low muscle tone in her jaw, causing her tongue to stick out or rest on the roof of her mouth. She’s seeing a speech therapist and we’re working on strengthening and training her. Because of this, she can’t take a bottle or a pacifier. But we’re trying to train her to drink from different sippy cups. I think THIS would be a great method for food intake too, if we could train her to drink from a Squooshi she’d show some independence soon.

  15. Mary Shoemaker says:

    Wow, these look fabulous! My little guy is 10 months and refuses to eat anything he can’t feed himself. He loves the puréed food in pouches but they are so expensive and such a waste in packaging! I would fill these with fruit and veggie mixes- you name it and I would try it! 🙂 thanks for writing about these!

  16. Sadie says:

    My kids will love these filled with applesauce.

  17. Erin Courtney says:

    I would put applesauce, yogurt, and lots of other puréed fruits for my son for on the go. My oldest son even eats the squeezeable applesauces so I would use it for him too.

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