Top 5 Priorities for Natural Living

Natural Living encompasses a huge variety of topics and lifestyles. The range of efforts that families make in order to have less of a footprint is as broad as the characteristics of the families themselves. The more people that try to use sustainable practices at home, the better off we will all be so I applaud everyone who attempts to be green. As consumers, these decisions also impact corporations and that is where we can truly see large-scale changes. For that reason, I’m listing my top 5 priorities for Natural Living and I would encourage you to do the same. Feel free to leave a comment to let us all know what is most important to you!

Using Reusable Products

Diapers, pyrex, and kitchen towels are all items that can easily be used and reused in the home. Every time paper goes in the trash, it’s a waste of money. Instead, try to clean and reuse the most popular items in the house and you will instantly see savings! It’s important to be conscious of your water use, but in the long run the toll on the environment is much smaller. Stores that encourage reusable bags by offering perks or simply not carrying them are doing a great job to change our expectation of getting a bag. If you do take one, try to use it again at least once.

Practicing Physical Fitness

A healthy home and physical fitness go hand in hand. Regular exercise is so important for the whole family. Turn a leisurely trail walk into a hike, play with the kids on a swingset, or start a running routine outdoors to allow time to appreciate nature for all it has to offer. As often as possible, go barefoot and set free the kid inside. My husband likes to say that in life we must crawl, walk, and then run. If you’re not running, you’re missing a key component of living. In my short four weeks running, I’ve realized that I wholeheartedly agree.

Promoting Natural Birth

Choosing a drug-free birth plan didn’t happen overnight for me, but I’m so glad that I took that route. As with everything else I do, my goal is to make a better future for my girls. I want them to have access to skilled midwives and to feel confident that their bodies are built for birth. If you’re curious why I had a home birth for Audrey, you only need to read her beautiful birth story to understand. There’s No Place Like Home. 

Eating Healthy Foods

Cooking at home is the norm in this house, but I’m not a stickler for organic foods at this time. I would love to add more locally sourced produce into the mix, but for now the important thing is offering a tasty variety of foods for the whole family. By making a protein-starch-veggie combo and enough for leftovers whenever I cook, I can put dinner on the table and rest easy that there is an easy to assemble lunch available for the next day.

Minimizing Exposure to Chemicals

Before Motherhood it was easy to ignore the constant banter about chemicals and carcinogens, but it is in important topic now. We’re minimizing our exposure by using Green cleaning supplies and stainless steel cookware. It is time consuming to swap everything at once, so the goals for next year include making our own candles and assessing beauty products for issues.

It is helpful to reflect on what works and what doesn’t as you’re going green. I’m really proud of the steps my family has taken to lessen our footprint, but I know we can continue to strive to do better.

What are your Green Goals and what can I do to help you achieve them?